Concert Choir
The Concert Choir rehearses weekly on Monday evenings (7:00 - 8:30 p.m.) at Saint David's United Church in Rothesay under the direction of Mr. Christopher Lane, with Dr. Kevin Langford as accompanist. There may be extra rehearsals scheduled prior to performances or the music festival. In addition to weekly rehearsals, there will be a workshop each month, usually on Sunday from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. at Saint David's.
Members are reminded to ALWAYS bring a bottle of water to all rehearsals, workshops and performances!
The high caliber of this competitive choir can only be maintained if the girls {and parents} take rehearsals, workshops and performances seriously. All members are expected to contribute toward advancing the choir to its fullest potential. All members and parents are required to sign a Letter of Commitment annually.
It is an honour to be a member of the Rotary Girls Choir. Each girl (and her parents) is expected to demonstrate commitment by being punctual, and by consistently attending all rehearsals and performances. Each girl is independently important to the success of the Choir. Just as with any other team effort, the Choir’s success relies on the attendance of all members, and each girl and family should make participation a priority in the girl’s life and schedule.
Please be sure to consult school calendars, sports calendars and family calendars early in the year.
a) Mandatory Rehearsals and Performances
All rehearsals and performances are mandatory unless otherwise indicated by the choir calendar. An absence for any reason from a final (“dress”) rehearsal may result in the girl being excluded from the concert and is up to the discretion of the Director.
Absences that occur for any reason other than those stated in (b) below, will be considered on an individual basis by the Director. Habitual tardiness is regarded as lack of commitment and may result in dismissal from the Choir. Any absences determined unexcused may result in dismissal from the Choir. Registration fees will not be refunded.
b) Absence and Notification Procedures
A choir member may be considered “excused” under the following circumstances:
* Illness
* Death in the family
* Conflict with a mandatory school performance/commitment
<<Please note, if your daughter has a sore throat but no fever, then she is expected to attend rehearsal. She will not be required to sing, but it is important for her to be present.>>
Note: In order to be considered “excused”, the Coordinators must be notified prior to the rehearsal or performance. Because attendance is a critical part of evaluating commitment, all excused absence requests must be in writing; absences cannot be excused by a phone call. To submit an excused absence request, please send an email to [email protected].
If an unforeseen complication arises on the day of a performance (not a rehearsal), please contact one of the Coordinators immediately via phone ~ Alicia (506) 977-0005 or Christine (506) 647-8885. Your child’s unexpected absence may require alterations in the Choir sections, which will need to be revised as soon as possible by the Director.
As much as the Choir supports a child’s need to maintain good grades and receive a good education, we cannot regularly accept homework as an excused absence from rehearsals and never from performances. Singers should plan ahead.
Notification of planned absences (trips, etc.) must be sent in as early as possible and no less than 30 days prior so that staff can plan accordingly.
All written absence notifications regarding performance conflicts will be reviewed by the Board on an individual basis and determined “excused” or “unexcused” based on the degree the absence would compromise the Choir and its performance and/or the conflict expressed.
A choir member who is absent from three practices and/or workshops without a valid reason will be asked to leave the choir.
Parents must provide transportation to and from all rehearsals, workshops and performances. A list of choir members with their contact information is given to each member so that car pools may be set up if parents wish to do so.
Girls are expected to focus on their music and pay attention to the Director during practices, workshops and performances. Inattention and chatting takes away from the quality of the practice. Please respect the Director, the Accompanist, and fellow choir members by behaving in a mature and responsible manner.
Choir clothing is to be worn at choir events only. Once a member leaves or graduates from the choir, the Formal Choir Uniform is to be returned. The choir uniforms consist of the following:
Formal Uniform: Royal blue dress, nude or flesh-toned pantyhose or knee-highs, and black slippers (leather dance style or Isotoner).
Casual Uniform: Dark Jeans, Navy Choir t-shirt, Navy Choir hoodie, Light Blue Choir jacket.
Choir members are asked to purchase a choir t-shirt and/or hoodie and/or jacket when these are available. Prices will be provided during choir year. Each member of the Choir is required to purchase the royal blue formal dress uniform. The cost for this dress is $65.00.
The annual Choir Membership Fee is $300.00 and is due in September each year. There will be two official Registration Nights held in September and the registration fee must be paid at that time. The Choir will accept full payment, or payment in two installments of $150.00 each, the first at Registration Night and the second on January 16th (the second installment to be provided at Registration Night in the form of a postdated cheque), or payment in three installments of $100.00 each, the first at Registration Night, the second on November 16th, and the third on January 16th (second & third installments to be provided at Registration Night in the form of postdated cheques). It is important to note that the Registration Fee contributes to, but does not cover the entire cost of music, music instruction and festival fees.
The Choir depends on fundraising being conducted through the choir year. Fundraising covers the portion of music instruction and music not covered by registration fees, and also contributes to the cost of other special activities planned (bowling, swimming, sleepovers, trips, etc.). It is expected that all parents and choir members participate in the very important area of fundraising. The Fundraising Committee (if one is in place) or the Board of Directors will schedule events such as cheese sales, chocolate bar sales, raffle tickets, bake sales, tagging events, etc. It is important to note that fundraising for trips will be organized for and credited to the Choir as a whole, but actual participation in fundraising events will be tracked individually by member.
The Coordinators and the Director realize that fundraising involves extra time and effort on the part of the parents, and that this is difficult for families who have children in other activities that also raise money. We are therefore prepared to offer an alternative to parents who find it difficult to help with fundraising events ~ if you wish, you may write a cheque payable to the Choir for a specified amount, which will be determined based on the average amount per member raised by the Choir and the estimated amount required for each member.
Girls must make a commitment to travel and perform with the Choir when the time arrives. Each girl will receive plenty of notice of scheduled trips. It is not fair to the other members of the Choir to pull out of a trip at the last minute. Such a decision could affect whether it is possible or not for the trip to take place.
The Concert Choir rehearses weekly on Monday evenings (7:00 - 8:30 p.m.) at Saint David's United Church in Rothesay under the direction of Mr. Christopher Lane, with Dr. Kevin Langford as accompanist. There may be extra rehearsals scheduled prior to performances or the music festival. In addition to weekly rehearsals, there will be a workshop each month, usually on Sunday from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. at Saint David's.
Members are reminded to ALWAYS bring a bottle of water to all rehearsals, workshops and performances!
The high caliber of this competitive choir can only be maintained if the girls {and parents} take rehearsals, workshops and performances seriously. All members are expected to contribute toward advancing the choir to its fullest potential. All members and parents are required to sign a Letter of Commitment annually.
It is an honour to be a member of the Rotary Girls Choir. Each girl (and her parents) is expected to demonstrate commitment by being punctual, and by consistently attending all rehearsals and performances. Each girl is independently important to the success of the Choir. Just as with any other team effort, the Choir’s success relies on the attendance of all members, and each girl and family should make participation a priority in the girl’s life and schedule.
Please be sure to consult school calendars, sports calendars and family calendars early in the year.
a) Mandatory Rehearsals and Performances
All rehearsals and performances are mandatory unless otherwise indicated by the choir calendar. An absence for any reason from a final (“dress”) rehearsal may result in the girl being excluded from the concert and is up to the discretion of the Director.
Absences that occur for any reason other than those stated in (b) below, will be considered on an individual basis by the Director. Habitual tardiness is regarded as lack of commitment and may result in dismissal from the Choir. Any absences determined unexcused may result in dismissal from the Choir. Registration fees will not be refunded.
b) Absence and Notification Procedures
A choir member may be considered “excused” under the following circumstances:
* Illness
* Death in the family
* Conflict with a mandatory school performance/commitment
<<Please note, if your daughter has a sore throat but no fever, then she is expected to attend rehearsal. She will not be required to sing, but it is important for her to be present.>>
Note: In order to be considered “excused”, the Coordinators must be notified prior to the rehearsal or performance. Because attendance is a critical part of evaluating commitment, all excused absence requests must be in writing; absences cannot be excused by a phone call. To submit an excused absence request, please send an email to [email protected].
If an unforeseen complication arises on the day of a performance (not a rehearsal), please contact one of the Coordinators immediately via phone ~ Alicia (506) 977-0005 or Christine (506) 647-8885. Your child’s unexpected absence may require alterations in the Choir sections, which will need to be revised as soon as possible by the Director.
As much as the Choir supports a child’s need to maintain good grades and receive a good education, we cannot regularly accept homework as an excused absence from rehearsals and never from performances. Singers should plan ahead.
Notification of planned absences (trips, etc.) must be sent in as early as possible and no less than 30 days prior so that staff can plan accordingly.
All written absence notifications regarding performance conflicts will be reviewed by the Board on an individual basis and determined “excused” or “unexcused” based on the degree the absence would compromise the Choir and its performance and/or the conflict expressed.
A choir member who is absent from three practices and/or workshops without a valid reason will be asked to leave the choir.
Parents must provide transportation to and from all rehearsals, workshops and performances. A list of choir members with their contact information is given to each member so that car pools may be set up if parents wish to do so.
Girls are expected to focus on their music and pay attention to the Director during practices, workshops and performances. Inattention and chatting takes away from the quality of the practice. Please respect the Director, the Accompanist, and fellow choir members by behaving in a mature and responsible manner.
Choir clothing is to be worn at choir events only. Once a member leaves or graduates from the choir, the Formal Choir Uniform is to be returned. The choir uniforms consist of the following:
Formal Uniform: Royal blue dress, nude or flesh-toned pantyhose or knee-highs, and black slippers (leather dance style or Isotoner).
Casual Uniform: Dark Jeans, Navy Choir t-shirt, Navy Choir hoodie, Light Blue Choir jacket.
Choir members are asked to purchase a choir t-shirt and/or hoodie and/or jacket when these are available. Prices will be provided during choir year. Each member of the Choir is required to purchase the royal blue formal dress uniform. The cost for this dress is $65.00.
The annual Choir Membership Fee is $300.00 and is due in September each year. There will be two official Registration Nights held in September and the registration fee must be paid at that time. The Choir will accept full payment, or payment in two installments of $150.00 each, the first at Registration Night and the second on January 16th (the second installment to be provided at Registration Night in the form of a postdated cheque), or payment in three installments of $100.00 each, the first at Registration Night, the second on November 16th, and the third on January 16th (second & third installments to be provided at Registration Night in the form of postdated cheques). It is important to note that the Registration Fee contributes to, but does not cover the entire cost of music, music instruction and festival fees.
The Choir depends on fundraising being conducted through the choir year. Fundraising covers the portion of music instruction and music not covered by registration fees, and also contributes to the cost of other special activities planned (bowling, swimming, sleepovers, trips, etc.). It is expected that all parents and choir members participate in the very important area of fundraising. The Fundraising Committee (if one is in place) or the Board of Directors will schedule events such as cheese sales, chocolate bar sales, raffle tickets, bake sales, tagging events, etc. It is important to note that fundraising for trips will be organized for and credited to the Choir as a whole, but actual participation in fundraising events will be tracked individually by member.
The Coordinators and the Director realize that fundraising involves extra time and effort on the part of the parents, and that this is difficult for families who have children in other activities that also raise money. We are therefore prepared to offer an alternative to parents who find it difficult to help with fundraising events ~ if you wish, you may write a cheque payable to the Choir for a specified amount, which will be determined based on the average amount per member raised by the Choir and the estimated amount required for each member.
Girls must make a commitment to travel and perform with the Choir when the time arrives. Each girl will receive plenty of notice of scheduled trips. It is not fair to the other members of the Choir to pull out of a trip at the last minute. Such a decision could affect whether it is possible or not for the trip to take place.
Please remember the following any time the Choirs are performing. Girls must be properly attired to perform with the choir.
*Jewelry – only small rings and earrings, together with a small silver necklace. No watches, bracelets, etc. It is preferred you not wear these to performances, however if you do we will collect them before you go on stage. We are not responsible for lost items!
*Make-up – blush and pale lipstick are acceptable, especially for television. Please do not wear heavy eye make-up.
*Hair – the audience needs to see your face. You tell the story with your expressions! Hair should be done neatly – kept off the face as much as possible. Long hair should be pulled back in such a manner that it does not fall in front of the shoulders. Braids and ponies help keep the hair behind the shoulders. Hair accessories should be small and blend with your hair colour. Please do not wear large bows, scrunchies, or headbands.
*Footwear (with blue dresses) – Please have BLACK slippers (for example, Isotoner or leather dance slippers) and nude pantyhose or knee-highs to wear with your blue dress (no sneakers or socks). Even if you are in the back row, people still see your feet when you are walking on and off the stage.
*Red Dresses - Please make sure you have a white bandeau and spandex shorts to wear under the red dresses. Flesh coloured (nude) pantyhose should be worn with the white ballet flats.
*Posture – Stand tall. Do not slouch. Arms at your sides unless directed otherwise. Do not adjust your hair, scratch, etc. during a performance.
*Food – No milk, dairy products or chocolate before a performance.
*Rest – Please get plenty of sleep. Singing and performing require a lot of energy and when you are tired, it is reflected in your performance.
Please remember the following any time the Choirs are performing. Girls must be properly attired to perform with the choir.
*Jewelry – only small rings and earrings, together with a small silver necklace. No watches, bracelets, etc. It is preferred you not wear these to performances, however if you do we will collect them before you go on stage. We are not responsible for lost items!
*Make-up – blush and pale lipstick are acceptable, especially for television. Please do not wear heavy eye make-up.
*Hair – the audience needs to see your face. You tell the story with your expressions! Hair should be done neatly – kept off the face as much as possible. Long hair should be pulled back in such a manner that it does not fall in front of the shoulders. Braids and ponies help keep the hair behind the shoulders. Hair accessories should be small and blend with your hair colour. Please do not wear large bows, scrunchies, or headbands.
*Footwear (with blue dresses) – Please have BLACK slippers (for example, Isotoner or leather dance slippers) and nude pantyhose or knee-highs to wear with your blue dress (no sneakers or socks). Even if you are in the back row, people still see your feet when you are walking on and off the stage.
*Red Dresses - Please make sure you have a white bandeau and spandex shorts to wear under the red dresses. Flesh coloured (nude) pantyhose should be worn with the white ballet flats.
*Posture – Stand tall. Do not slouch. Arms at your sides unless directed otherwise. Do not adjust your hair, scratch, etc. during a performance.
*Food – No milk, dairy products or chocolate before a performance.
*Rest – Please get plenty of sleep. Singing and performing require a lot of energy and when you are tired, it is reflected in your performance.